Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sew about time

I finally did it! I learned to sew. I bought the scallop dig for the Big shot because i wanted to make the rag quilt purse ....well this meant i needed to learn to use a sewing machine. Hmmm there are plenty of people in my life that would have been more than willing to show me. I went about the rachel way though. I went to a friends and she showed me wind the bobbin, thread the needle and I called my neighbor,craft buddy on my way home and asked if she had an extra sewing machine i could borrow. Of course....she has everything and most times more than one. She even had a wheelchair that we borrowed to decorate my boss' office for his 40th...i digress. I got the machine home ..1978 singer. and forgot everything that i had just learned...pulled out the book and played.
Here is my 1st attempt at the rag quilt purse..need to add the handles. Will do that tomorrow.

Here is the sewing machine and my workspace i have set up..what was my craft corner has turned into my craft corner's no complaints yet but hubby has been to music stores quite a bit lately.. i am sure a purchase is in order soon.
The cart has all my jewelry making stuff. I has been beading lately too will update you on that too

For now i will go...thanks for stopping by. Beijos.rachel

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cards and Chaos

Happy Friday Eve !
I am super excited to wrap up my work week and get down to some serious weekend time. I love my weekends. I get to sleep in...thanks to my hubby Alex. I get to do cool stuff with the kids and I get to create...
Today I will share 2 cards. I made them over a stampin buddies house. She should be a demonstrator but time doesn't allow so she just has people over for stampin and dinner. She created the card using oval punch to look like a droopy daisy almost. I made mine a little different on the left.

Something funny happened today and thought I would share. My daughter has been wanting to learn the art of the microwave so I finally let her have a try and check out her 1st go at it. Let's just say I will be the queen of the nuker still.

Hope you all had great days and TGIF!! Beijos!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tired Today

So thought I would get to bed early last night. NOT! Hung out with DH and watched Lost. Short blog today. Just will show you some stuff i did over the weekend. Not planning on creating today will be in bed with the kids tonight.

Made this cute ladybug from an idea i got from Dawn Griffith. I love ladybugs!

Got this idea from Angie Juda aka Chic n Scratch. I gave one to my girlfriend at work with chocolates in it when she was "grumpy".

That is all for today. Need to pickup my daughter from gymnastics and pay attention to my son who is currently raiding my scrap paper basket.
Beijos :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some cards and more of my corner

Hey guys!
How cool is this blog thing! I came home to 9 comments ..thanks! Now you just need to follow me..well only if you want to. Do IT :)
So today was good. I was super tired though..stayed up too late on the blog forums. Some cool people posting some cool stuff. Made some cards today while hubby was putting kids to bed. He is leaving tomorrow for a work trip. Hopefully my stamping buddy will come hang out with me.
I am trying to watch Lost while writing this so... here are some pics of cards and some more pics of my corner. rach

I made this one after checking out Bonnie Rose's blog it.

Here is one i made using an idea of the pot with the asian artistry su set made from a circle punch from a lady on split coast..will update with her name..,,sorry

This is funny made the card on the right to take to my card club for my swap with Colleen Magness SU demo and look what card she was doing as a demo on right..too funny she is always in my head. I got my idea from Dawn Griffith SU demonstrator. She is one of my favorite bloggers that does videos. I love her.

This one I made at a class with Sam Woodruff...loved her notebook idea made it look like torn from a kids notebook

Here are some more pics of my corner i used 6 jetmax cubes and the table top is from lowe's lumber dept. The rods are ikea and pampered chef kitchen kaddies help make it easy to store my stuff compact in one corner and keep it organized.
I also took a pic of the inside of the drawer to show that it fits cards perfectly. Did I mention I love my space:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to my blog.

Well everyone else is doing it why can't I? It was just a matter of time for me to start one. I just needed the push. I said to myself that I would create a blog when my craft corner was complete and the day has finally come. YAY!! With the help of 50 % off at Michael's, Ikea and my hubby. My crafty corner is complete :) It is my happy place. There are so many things about my life that stress me out ...okay only 1 WORK!!! It is so boring and does not give me the creative outlet that I crave so... I craft. Stamp,make jewelry and just about anything else that i feel the need to use to make me relax and chill.

I wanted to share my new craft corner 1st. This came about because we had a tree fall on our sunroom so we had to build a new one...started from scratch. My old space was in my living room( in a corner) and it looked really messy. I hated how it looked. So did my husband but he tolerated it because it makes me happy to create. He understands. He has to have a creative outlet as well. He plays drums and sings in a band when it he is not working and bringing home the bacon. ANy whoooo. Here are some pics of the new sunroom/craft corner.Before

After! It is so amazing. I love it! As you can see I do not have nearly the set up that all the other stampers have. I have all of my stash confined in these jetmax. I will post more pics tomorrow. My camera died but wanted to share. I have not been at it as long as a lot of people but I like to only have what i will use. Goodnight for now peeps. BOA NOCHE. Beijos. (kisses)